

1. Strong effect of desiccant on insulating glass

The desiccant in the insulating glass can not only absorb the moisture and residual organic matter in the insulating glass, so that the insulating glass will not be fogged under – 60 ℃, but also balance the internal and external pressure difference due to the huge change of the season or the temperature difference between day and night, and extend the service life of the insulating glass. At present, more than 95% of the failure of insulating glass after being put on the wall is caused by fogging. Once the insulating glass is fogged, it means that the edge sealing system fails, which leads to the oxidation of Low-E film, appearance color, energy-saving performance and other functions.

The desiccant can achieve its functions by deeply drying the inner sealing air layer of the insulating glass: (1) adsorbing the moisture in the air in the sealing chamber of the insulating glass; (2) Absorb the water that continuously permeates into the insulating glass through the sealant at the later stage; (3) It is used in combination with other special molecular sieves to absorb volatile substances released by insulating glass sealant.

The fogging of insulating glass is also directly related to the sealant and desiccant: (1) The sealant mainly prevents the moisture in the outside air from diffusing into the insulating glass, and the function of desiccant is to absorb the moisture diffusing into the glass through the sealant; (2) If the sealing effect of the sealant fails, the insulating glass will soon become foggy and the function will fail after the desiccant is saturated; (3) At the same time, no matter how good the sealant is, it can not completely prevent the water penetration. If no desiccant is used or the desiccant with poor quality is used, the insulating glass will soon become foggy with the extension of service time.

2. Insulated glass has strict requirements for desiccant

In daily life and industrial manufacturing, commonly used desiccants include calcium chloride, silica gel, clay desiccant (montmorillonite), molecular sieve, mineral desiccant (attapulgite) and composite desiccant.

As a desiccant for insulating glass, the requirements are relatively strict: (1) the ultra-low water content of the finished product can ensure that the desiccant has strong water absorption performance; (2) Super deep adsorption capacity can ensure that the water in the glass interlayer is fully absorbed; (3) Ultra-low powder drop ensures the beautiful and transparent performance of insulating glass; (4) Ultra-low nitrogen adsorption capacity ensures that the hollow glass will not have concave-convex deformation under different temperature changes; (5) The qualified packing density ensures that the filling amount of desiccant is controlled within the most economical and reasonable range; (6) Reasonable acid-base property ensures that the insulating glass spacer bar is not easy to be corroded and salted out; (7) High compressive crushing strength can reduce crushing during filling due to insufficient strength, forming slag and dust, and polluting glass; (8) Low static electricity ensures that the desiccant will be adsorbed on the pipe wall and block the pipe when the machine is filled.

Post time: Feb-05-2023